Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A New Wardrobe

Last weekend we went to a HUGE local consignment sale organized by Three Bags Full.  If you live in Ohio you should definitely check out the schedule and plan to attend one of the sales because I scored some awesome deals!  If you live elsewhere you can go HERE to see if any sales are listed in your area.

Poor Jack has just about outgrown the last of his 6 month clothes and we didn't have much in larger sizes and nothing for colder weather.  This sale was really great for stocking up on some cute gently used clothes for GREAT prices! 

We got 21 pieces for $43.  Everything is in great condition and some things still had tags on them!  The thing about kid's clothes is that they outgrow stuff so fast gently-used, really is gently-used! 

Most of what we bought are name-brand items.  The day that we went it was the last day of the sale so most items were 50% off.  We got a lot of long sleeved onesies and cotton pants - the kind of stuff that I put Jack in for comfy, day-to-day outfits - and most things were $1.  Can't beat that! 

Here's our haul: 

Not a great shot, but it was hard for me to get a good angle because our bed is so high.  You get the idea!

I'm hoping to attend another of their sales soon to stock up on clothes that he can wear around 12 months and beyond.


  1. Fun! I'm wanting to hit the one that's coming up in hilliard... so excited!

  2. Awesome! I should really do this, except with two boys I have a hard time getting rid of Cam's stuff. :-/ I did buy 50% of Cam's fall wardrobe at Once Upon a Childl, though, which is obviously more expensive than your method but still cheaper than new! I was proud, lol. And 75% of Fletcher's fall wardrobe came from mom group friends, can't beat that. :)

  3. I am going to the one in Delaware the weekend of October 15th if you want to tag along. We could leave the kids with the brothers! Lord knows what we'd come home to...but we'd get some GREAT deals! And, that's what it is all about...right!


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