Tuesday, April 9, 2013

40 lbs of Chicken

2 sleeping babies, 1 1/2 hours, and 40 lbs of chicken later.

It was a considerable amount of (not fun) work and the kids are hardly ever sleeping at the same time during the day (mainly because Jack no longer sleeps during the day.  Would have been nice to just take a quiet break!), but it was worth it to have 40lbs of quality chicken totally trimmed and individually frozen for only $1.79/lb.

If you don't already know about Zaycon Foods you should totally check them out.  Their prices can't be beat and they have quality products.  Their chicken isn't injected with a bunch of saline solution to artificially inflate the weight, which also changes the taste and texture of the chicken.  You have to purchase in bulk, which might not be for everyone, but you might think about splitting a case with another family.  It's a great deal!

I should also add that the above is a referral link, but I'm just sharing the love about a good value.  I'm not affiliated with Zaycon Foods in any way :)

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